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 Confusion(Human plz? :D)

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Confusion(Human plz? :D) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Confusion(Human plz? :D)   Confusion(Human plz? :D) - Page 5 Icon_minitime1Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:40 am

Engel prepared himself for the bridle. He knew, that if it was like the saddle, it would be scary, but he had to get used to it. He was about to lower himself to the ground, so his boy could mount him, but then felt a tug on the saddle, and looked over at Micah. He was putting his foot in one of the strange hole things on the saddle. He stood still, figuring that the things were like little stairs for the boy. (Bleh)
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PostSubject: Re: Confusion(Human plz? :D)   Confusion(Human plz? :D) - Page 5 Icon_minitime1Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:24 pm

When Engel stood still Micah put more weight into the stirrup. He patted the stallion's shoulder before swinging his leg up and over his back as he pulled himself up into the saddle. He gathered the reins into his hands and gripped the mane in front of him, bracing himself just in case Engel bolted forward.
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PostSubject: Re: Confusion(Human plz? :D)   Confusion(Human plz? :D) - Page 5 Icon_minitime1Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:34 pm

Engel grunted as Micah lifted himself upon his back. With all the tack strapped to him, he felt a bit uncomfortable, but it wasn't as bad as he'd thought it'd be. When his boy grabbed his mane, Engel had the all familiar urge to gallop forward, as fast as he could go without Micah flying off. But, he waited for the boy's command.
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Confusion(Human plz? :D) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Confusion(Human plz? :D)   Confusion(Human plz? :D) - Page 5 Icon_minitime1Sat Apr 14, 2012 11:20 am

Miach let out a relieved sigh when Engel didn't move. He reached forward scratched his neck before getting a hold of the reins and sitting back in the saddle. He truly didn't care for English saddles, but he knew they were easier for first time horses when it came to the weight on their backs. He slowly put more of his weight into the stirrups before nudging Engel's sides with his knees and clucking his tongue, urging him into a walk.
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PostSubject: Re: Confusion(Human plz? :D)   Confusion(Human plz? :D) - Page 5 Icon_minitime1Sat Apr 14, 2012 11:37 am

Engel snorted. The extra weight was a little annoying, but he could deal. He felt hides sides being squeezed, and heard his boy cluck, but wasn't sure what it meant, so he went forward into a walk, hoping it would please Micah. He gave a horse-like sigh, and looked around him. There wasn't much of anything except for trees and birds. he hoped this "town" would be more exciting.
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Confusion(Human plz? :D) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Confusion(Human plz? :D)   Confusion(Human plz? :D) - Page 5 Icon_minitime1Sat Apr 14, 2012 1:31 pm

Micah patted him on the shoulder and sat up straight in the saddle. "Let's see just how fast we can get to town." he told Engel, excited by how well everything was going. He pulled the reins to point him towards the direction of the town and gave his sides a tight squeeze.
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Confusion(Human plz? :D) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Confusion(Human plz? :D)   Confusion(Human plz? :D) - Page 5 Icon_minitime1Sat Apr 14, 2012 4:26 pm

Engel, not liking how the reins pulled, turned in the direction they were urging his head, turned his head in that direction. He felt the boys knees squeeze in on him, and somehow, he knew. He shot forward, his legs becoming blurs in a matter of seconds. He stretched his neck forward only slightly, so his head was up, but not so high it would restrict his breathing. He whinnied, happy he could finally run. He knew they were heading toward town, and actually looking forward to reaching their destination.
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Confusion(Human plz? :D) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Confusion(Human plz? :D)   Confusion(Human plz? :D) - Page 5 Icon_minitime1Wed Apr 18, 2012 10:08 pm

Micah leaned forward as Engel took off, gripping his mane tightly. After a few minutes at their speed he could start to see the edge of the town. He waited a few more moments before straightening up and sitting back a little, pulling back slightly on his mane and the reins.
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Confusion(Human plz? :D) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Confusion(Human plz? :D)   Confusion(Human plz? :D) - Page 5 Icon_minitime1Thu Apr 19, 2012 7:31 pm

Engel's joy ebbed as he felt the pull on the reins, as well as his mane. He snorted, and slowed to a walk. He could see the edge of the town, unfamiliar structures rising from the ground, and a few tiny people walking about. He decided that he wasn't going to like the place. It was...odd. He'd never seen anything like it, and by the smells coming from it's direction, it had to be bad. (Yeah. Engel does NOT like car exhaust xD)
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Confusion(Human plz? :D) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Confusion(Human plz? :D)   Confusion(Human plz? :D) - Page 5 Icon_minitime1Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:57 pm

Micah heard Engel's snort and reached forward to pat his shoulder. "It'll be alright." he told him. He knew the town was smaller than most and despite the fact that almost everyone drove their cars most of the roads were either dirt or gravel.
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Confusion(Human plz? :D) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Confusion(Human plz? :D)   Confusion(Human plz? :D) - Page 5 Icon_minitime1Sun Apr 22, 2012 7:08 pm

Engel stopped, and composed himself, before continuing on. Micah's pat did little to comfort him, as the cars were frightening the stallion. He whinnied, and gave a tiny rear, before planting his hooves and refusing to move another inch.
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Confusion(Human plz? :D) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Confusion(Human plz? :D)   Confusion(Human plz? :D) - Page 5 Icon_minitime1Sun Apr 22, 2012 7:53 pm

Micah held on tight with his knees when Engel reared and then stopped. "They won't hurt you." he told the stallion, but he wasn't going to push him any farther right then. He pulled on the reins so that they could go down a road that led around town towards the horse ranch.
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Confusion(Human plz? :D) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Confusion(Human plz? :D)   Confusion(Human plz? :D) - Page 5 Icon_minitime1Mon Apr 23, 2012 6:52 am

Engel finally moved once he was asked, but kept a wary eye on the "monsters" that supposedly wouln't hurt him. But, how could they not? They were loud, and menacing, and had fumes coming from a strange opening at their rear. He didn't know what they were, but he hated them. He snorted, and he broke out in a sweat, but kept going on, despite his fear. He didn't want Micah to be angry with him. He wanted his boy to be pleased at his obedience (Awwww)
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Confusion(Human plz? :D) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Confusion(Human plz? :D)   Confusion(Human plz? :D) - Page 5 Icon_minitime1Mon Apr 23, 2012 8:18 pm

Micah smiled softly. He knew the horse was terrified of the vehicles, but kept going just to please him. He reached forward and rubbed Engel's neck. "That's a good boy." he told him. "The ranch is just on the other side of town."
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Confusion(Human plz? :D) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Confusion(Human plz? :D)   Confusion(Human plz? :D) - Page 5 Icon_minitime1Tue Apr 24, 2012 5:39 am

Engel raised his head higher. Other side? He had to go through more cars and people? Wow. He sure was stupid for looking forward to this little adventure, although, he didn't have much choice. He didn't have much of one either the second he let the boy touch him for the first time. Oh well. Now he had to deal. And he was okay with it, as long as Micah never left him the entire time the where traveling to this 'ranch'
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PostSubject: Re: Confusion(Human plz? :D)   Confusion(Human plz? :D) - Page 5 Icon_minitime1Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:38 pm

Micah kept Engel moving along the road that went around the town. The last time he was here the road had been known as a place that some of the teenagers came to see who had the fastest horse, but now it showed only the occasional set of hoof prints. As the road started to curve he could start to see the top of the large main barn.
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PostSubject: Re: Confusion(Human plz? :D)   Confusion(Human plz? :D) - Page 5 Icon_minitime1Thu Apr 26, 2012 4:53 pm

Engel snorted, and sniffed around. He could smell other equines, and he began to get excited, and he pranced a little. He whinnied loudly, for he hadn't seen his own kind in a long while, and he was eager to meet them. (Bleh)
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PostSubject: Re: Confusion(Human plz? :D)   Confusion(Human plz? :D) - Page 5 Icon_minitime1Mon Apr 30, 2012 5:54 am

Micah patted Engel's neck and smiled. "We'll be there soon. I'll let you run around in one of the paddocks while I start working." he told him.
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PostSubject: Re: Confusion(Human plz? :D)   Confusion(Human plz? :D) - Page 5 Icon_minitime1Sun May 06, 2012 7:32 pm

Engel, for once, understood most of his sentence. He whinnied loudly, but there was no answering sounds. He got a little disheartened, until her heard a responding neigh. He snorted, and moved into a fast trot, excited to get to the location.
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PostSubject: Re: Confusion(Human plz? :D)   Confusion(Human plz? :D) - Page 5 Icon_minitime1Sun May 06, 2012 10:28 pm

Micah shook his head and laughed when Engel quickened his pace. Normally he would have pulled back on the reins and kept the horse at a walk, but he let Engel do what he wanted. They turned the last bend in the road and the enormous horse ranch came into sight. There were four large barns. Two for the mares and fillies, one for the stallions, and one for the horses that were currently being trained. There were huge meadows along with smaller paddocks closer to the barns. The training area was one of the best Micah had ever seen before and he knew from experience. The only difference about this trip to the ranch was that he had a horse of his own this time. Once they reached the front gates of the ranch Micah pulled back on the reins to stop Engel so that he could dismount.
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PostSubject: Re: Confusion(Human plz? :D)   Confusion(Human plz? :D) - Page 5 Icon_minitime1Mon May 07, 2012 7:23 pm

Engel stopped short, even before his boy had tugged on the reins. He snorted, and took in the farm. It was, in his mind, the most amazing thing he'd seen in his young life. He stood still, somehow knowing that Micah would probably like to dismount now, since they were here. He dug a small rut in the dirt in impatience. He wanted to go meet others. Now. (Bleh. Sorry about my dead muse. I've been busy.)
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PostSubject: Re: Confusion(Human plz? :D)   Confusion(Human plz? :D) - Page 5 Icon_minitime1Tue May 08, 2012 5:15 pm

(It's okay. the same for me.)

Micah patted Engel on the shoulder before he swung his leg over the horse's back and stepped down to the ground. He pulled the reins up and over the stallion's head, a smile on his face. "Let's get you over to the paddock." he told him.
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PostSubject: Re: Confusion(Human plz? :D)   Confusion(Human plz? :D) - Page 5 Icon_minitime1Wed May 09, 2012 7:59 am

Engel nickered, and took a step forward. He was excited, but nervous. What if no one liked him? What if the people tried to take him from his boy, regardless of the tack, and the fact he could be ridden? What if the other horses picked on him? He somehow doubted that anyone here could be so mean, but, one could never know.
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PostSubject: Re: Confusion(Human plz? :D)   Confusion(Human plz? :D) - Page 5 Icon_minitime1Wed May 09, 2012 6:31 pm

Micah smiled and led Engel over to a paddock that had a couple of geldings and a stallion in it. He opened the gate and led him inside before taking off the saddle, the saddle pad, and finally the bridle to replace it with the halter. "Have fun and behave yourself." he told the stallion before gathering his things and heading to the barn, shutting the gate behind him.
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PostSubject: Re: Confusion(Human plz? :D)   Confusion(Human plz? :D) - Page 5 Icon_minitime1Wed May 09, 2012 7:04 pm

Fear suddenly filled Engel when Micah left him. What if people didn't know Micah belonged to him? He whinnied, calling for Micah to come back. He turned his head, suddenly aware of the other horses. He backed up against the fence, unsure of them. He didn't know what to expect. They'd lived here for much longer than he had. How was he supposed to know who was in charge, or what they were like? He suddenly felt like a little chicken, calling for Micah, and now fearing his own kind.
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PostSubject: Re: Confusion(Human plz? :D)   Confusion(Human plz? :D) - Page 5 Icon_minitime1

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